Friday, January 06, 2006

I think my eyes are starting to go.

It's a weird thought...that I wouldn't be able to see as well. I've always had perfect vision...better than perfect, really. My vision was 20/25...what most people could read clearly at 20 feet, I could read at 25+. It's hardly adamantium claws or telekenesis...but I guess I always thought of it as my little mutant power. I could read road signs well before the other people in my car, I could read addresses on darkened houses as we drove by, and I could pick out the time on my alarm clock from across the room.

But now, things look kind of blurry. I have to really try to focus on casual glance isn't enough...I have to make a real effort to see it clearly. For those of you with glasses/ this a sign that my eyes are going downhill, or is it possible that they're just tired or overwhelmed?

Perhaps it's a mental thing. I have trouble focusing my mind...why shouldn't it carry over? Perhaps my brain just lags a bit...instead of looking with focus, I look...and....then....I.... ummm.....wait for it.... focus. Perhaps I'm afraid to focus...afraid to see too closely. To look at the faces and expressions of my friends and my co-workers and my wife up get that intimate. Hmmm....

If it turns out that my eyes are going weak...I wonder if I would be a glasses guy or a contacts guy. What do you think, those that know me? Stacy says my face doesn't work for glasses...which, however accurate that might be, is a strange thing to tell a person.

All this seems shallow, to be sure. But I love my eyes...I love what they do for me, what with the whole "seeing" thing and all, and I'd hate for something to go wrong with them.


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