Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Here are three poems I wrote yesterday, during an interminable Information Technologies meeting...I scrawled 'em on a notepad...

...this is what I do in lieu of paying attention.

An Ode to VineNet (our new web-based info database)

A database enhancement
On the bit-parity road
A cybernet enchantment
In HTML code
A binary bonanza
(I owe…I owe…I owe)
A churchwide expedition
(Though this training’s rather slow).


Untitled IT Training Poem
(spoken to the rhythm of “The Raven”)

Once upon a Tuesday’s training
(The sky was gray, but not quite raining)
I sat in silence, almost profaning
Due to lack of stimuli.

The projector sat, its fan a humming
My mouth was open, my nose was running
Each long instruction was mind-numbing
An anesthetic diatribe.

A Love Memo to Copy Girl
(It should be noted that there is no "copy girl;" I just got inspired by the lighting and the concept of a "love memo")

You look different in the sunshine
The overhead fluorescents
Blanch your skin to office white
A copy-paper countenance
Facisimilied, facsimilied.
What’s left recalls your essence
In toner pointillism





Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY! » » »

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work power washers fiat 126p