Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Is it possible that the males of our species were built to be aggressive?

I know, I know, the term aggressive brings to mind some nasty images of overbearing, in-your-face, testosterone-driven muscleheads with necks like tree trunks and IQ's like...well...tree trunks. But the agression that I'm referring to is not so fact, it's not mean-spirited at's just energy. It's tension; kinetic strain. It's the reason your shoulders never droop in complete relaxation while you're in a crowded bar; it's the reason you suck in your chest when you're opening the door for your wife or girlfriend, and it's the reason that they put mirrors behind's the sense that it's somehow your job to keep things safe and protected for those you care about. I wonder if it's innate...built into guys from the beginning, by an Author who actually made men and women different for a reason, and who knew what He was doing when He gave women the abillity to produce food from their bodies and men the ability to lift heavy stuff and fight without self-preservation instinct when loved ones are threatened.

I hate to sound like a traditionalist here, but I wonder if there's a reason why men are built to have bigger, stronger upper bodies, broader shoulders and larger forearms. Could it be because we are meant to lift, press, pivot and grip stones, bundles of wood and even the arms or throats of our attackers?

Here's where I'm going with this...

I wonder if our effort to civilize and, in many senses, androgenize both men and women in our quest for fairness and equality has repressed some very good, healthy and natural aggression instincts in men. I'm certainly not the first person to have this thought...there have been books written about the topic...but I'm the first person who had this thought that also knew the password to my blog, so it ends up here. I wonder what would happen if men had healthy outlets for their agression, and if such agression were not stigmatized as being brutish, uncivilized and shallow. What if we really had clubs where guys could go to beat each other up, without any personal agenda or fear of lawsuits...what if boxing were taught in gym classes...what if there were rooms in every office building that were just full of garage-sale items that you could break against other garage-sale items? Yelling at your spouse, chewing out your co-workers and beating your kids is NOT healthy aggression...what if we sanctioned healthy aggression for guys in the workplace, in the home...perhaps even in the classroom?

OK, I'm done playing social theorist...let's face it, I'm just not that good at it. But I am good at growling deeply, which I am going to do for the next ten minutes, followed by a round of belching and a good pee on a campfire.


P.S. - See: "Fight Club" See: "Wild At Heart" --> (The book, not the Lynch movie)

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